Focus Areas Detail

SAm- GeoQuat - The South American Project towards an integration and improvement of Quaternary geological data

(Responsible: Daniela Kröhling,

1. Need for the International Focus Group

South America (SA) constitutes a unique transect for studies of past global changes across most climatic belts of the Southern Hemisphere (SH). The late Cenozoic geotectonic evolution of SA resulted in three morphostructural domains:
(i) a mountain belt in the west (Andes),
(ii) a corridor of central lowlands and ranges (foreland basins) and
(iii) the old terranes in the east (cratons).

During the Quaternary, a series of landforms and sediments has evolved in response to major land-forming processes involving the tectonic/volcanic, fluvial, colluvial, glacial, aeolian, lacustrine and marine systems. Many parts of such a geologically dynamic SA continent evolved from tectonic and volcanic processes that created significant changes in the landscape, mainly affecting the Andes. Although the most conspicuous dynamic processes there were glacial, physical weathering and mass transports have been very important. The contribution of volcanism to Quaternary sedimentary sequences and to the landscape development has been also meaningful (Clapperton, 1993).

The SA Highlands are dominated by geomorphological processes related to climatic regimes ranging from humid tropical to periglacial. During the Quaternary, changes in the character and or the intensity of denudation processes produced mainly extended planation surfaces and associated deposits. The major alluvial basins (Amazon, Orinoco, and Paraná) mostly lie under warm humid/subhumid climates. Their fluvial landforms represent important information about the nature of environmental changes in tropical latitudes. Large areas of their river basins (the Orinoco Llanos, the Pantanal, the Pampa and Chaco plains and the Bananal plain) and extensive parts of Patagonian plains contain important sand dunes fields and deflation hollows. A large part of the Chaco-Pampa plain is covered with loessic materials. Then, the main components of the Quaternary in the lowlands of SA are alluvial megafans, loess-paleosol sequences, dune fields, extensive wetlands and lacustrine sequences. The arid and semi-arid regions contain also evidence of the existence of Quaternary paleolakes of great importance (the Altiplano of southern Peru and Bolivia; the Puna plateau of northern Chile and Argentina, and the Patagonia). Quaternary landforms marking different palaeoshorelines in SA reflects the interplay between the different heights of global seal level and the nature and rate of vertical movements in the coastal zone.

Aware of this potential of the continent to disentangle the role of multiple factors ruling Quaternary dynamics, this proposal aims to bring together scientists working on research areas that address the Quaternary Geology of large SA environments with the objective of distinguish features caused by major climatic changes from those created independently of exogenetic processes. Nowadays, the progress in drawing a broad view of the Quaternary Geology often suffers from the lack of coordination and interaction between the groups working on endogenetic processes and those studying surficial processes. Also, the integrated information has a rather "patchy" distribution on the continent. Hence, a main goal is to increase the existing communication between geoscientists and to develop new contacts among local researchers in order to stimulate multidisciplinary research mainly based on field discussions covering both climatic and tectonic-volcanic influences on the analyses of terrestrial processes and their deposits in representative environments of SA and particularly spanning the entire last interglacial-glacial cycle.

2. History and Scope

In a context of global economical crisis, the integration policies in SA have gained strength in the recent years. This gives a very suitable framework for an attempt to include more researchers from various countries in the next years, thinking on the development of the Quaternary science. Further, since most of SA is experiencing a period of economic growth, the geological knowledge provided by the Focus Group would be a valuable basis for the management of natural resources..

During the twentieth century, the Quaternary Geology of SA developed in a complex way. Studies were made at local or provincial level in the first decades, with no significant integration among them. Some countries, like Argentina and Brazil, formed important and self-sustained communities of specialists along years, even developing national paradigms. Other countries owe their progress rather to studies made by foreign specialists visiting some regions of SA. In the last years there have been rapid interests in Quaternary environmental change amongst the SA and scientific community. The number of quaternarists really active in SA is growing. Nowadays, the progress in Quaternary Geology of a large continent like SA suffers from the lack of coordination between the already existing independent working groups. Further, it is common to find that research programs undertaken in the same country are often managed separately.

Different continental archives from SA such as loess-palaeosols sequences, lacustrine sediments, floodplain sediments, glacial deposits, between others, were used to reconstruct environmental response to climatic changes in the last years. Independently, some studies are focused on the influence of volcanism and tectonics on the Quaternary landscape evolution of some regions of SA. While considerable progress has been made on the Northern Hemisphere, minor regional studies on the continent are dedicated to separate the effects of climatic change from environmental variations induced by local or regional factors such as volcano-tectonic forcings. This initiative will provide a forum for scientists of different countries and geological sub-disciplines to discuss, interact and exchange data and interpretations in order to integrate the numerous individual datasets of representative SA regions into a common database. Regional reconstructions from well-selected key sites are important, because climate changes and extremes exhibit larger amplitudes than global reconstructions. Future integrated results will complete or update previous palaeoenvironmental reconstructions generated from biased geological input data.

The IFG will stimulate discussions, being a bridge between the SA geologists and the INQUA community, promoting networking and potential collaborations and support for international publications and a future database

3. Tasks, objectives and activities

     3.1 Tasks

The initial task of the initiative in the year 2012 was the assembling of a core group of geologists in SA to link active quaternarists working in different environments of SA. With an open list of active participants, the main activity for 2013 and 2014 will be focused on the hosting of workshops of the group at national and international congresses and the organization of field courses/meetings in order to reinforce that integration and the planned scientific work in multiple areas of the continent. The research will focus on the interactions and feedback between tectonics, climate and surface processes that influenced actively the landscape, especially during the last interglacial-glacial period. It will be addressed mainly by field discussions along representative transects comprising some of the main
morphostructural domains in SA (the Andes and the extra-Andean regions) and the close interaction during international workshops.

The analysis of the role of the neotectonics and the climatic changes on key representative sections will be discussed to produce, as a collective of authors, a series of research results and papers that exceeds the own geological disciplines (2015). The compilation of Quaternary geological data with the mid- to long-term objectives of creating a public-access database of Quaternary records of SA is intended. The ArcInfo-GIS will be used to develop a database for recording spatial geological data. After two years of data gathering, 2015 will be dedicated to correlate data across different regions and to integrate them in a special volume of Quaternary International.

Target zones for 2013:
(1) Central Andes and Southern Puna Plateau (Northwestern Argentina and Northern Chile);
(2) Pampean Ranges (Central Argentina);
(3) North Pampa Plain (Northeastern Argentina) and,
(4) The passive margin of the SA plate (Northeastern Brazil).

These zones were selected according to the amount of available stratigraphical, sedimentological, tectonic, volcanic and chronological data on regions where pre-existing research is accessible and some of the authors are committed. The main tasks in those zones will be the integration of geologists working on neotectonics and volcanology with geologists working on climatic controlled surfaces processes.

Target zones will be extended in other regions of SA in 2014 and 2015 as the activities progresses and other participants of the group are willing to get more involved.

Target time frame:
It extends back to the last interglacial, being a time window very appropriated for the research of active earth surface deformation due to volcanic activity and its products in the Central Andes and also for tectonic vs. climatic driven process in the extra-Andean region.

Main events in 2013:
Training field courses for PhD students and ECR from different countries of SA (Central Andes, Pampean Ranges and North Puna, Arg.) and two international workshops of the group, including field trips (Sao Paulo and Natal, Brazil). The integration of scientists working in different thematic areas of the Quaternary Geology of those regions and also the training of young researchers are in progress thinking on those meetings. They constitute one of the few possibilities in the region. Field courses follow long transects that allow discuss in situ outcropping sequences and landforms belonging to representative major Quaternary geological settings. The INQUA funding permits to support young SA scientists to participate in the fieldwork courses coordinated by experienced workers.

Geological field works between Argentine and Venezuelan geoscientists are in course, mainly focusing on the selection of the key transect to be presented in the International Field Training Course/ Fieldtrip Meeting in Venezuelan Andes that was confirmed as one of the activities of the Group for 2014.

     3.2 Objectives

Main objectives are:
(i) To link the scientific geologic communities from SA and dedicated to the research of the Quaternary that do not usually work together.

(ii) To bring field active specialists together (mainly DCRs) and interested in the Quaternary period, with study areas in the continent and to allow researchers with different backgrounds to meet (especially in the field), to interact and exchange data and interpretations and also discuss common approaches for studying geological processes along a variety of tectonic settings, with the aim of achieving integrated results.

(iii) To obtain cross-disciplinary and cross-regional correlation of geological records in different settings of SA with the aim of seeking international forums to discuss results and to review the advances on the studies that link research on Quaternary continental environments and tectonics. The results will contribute with information useful to programs of mitigation of societal impacts from natural hazards in SA (extreme climatic events, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions).

(iv) To organize workshops and field meetings to discuss innovative approaches aiming to enhance our understanding of the interplay between tectonic and climatically controlled processes that have created landforms and sedimentary sequences of representative regions of SA and spanning the last interglacial-glacial cycle. The aim is to promote innovative contributions on the application of new and established methodological approaches to advance on the stratigraphical (sequence stratigraphy and event stratigraphy), geomorphological, sedimentological, geochronological and paleoenvironmental assessment

(v) To compile and interlink fluvial, glacial, lacustrine, colluvial and coastal records, because of their widespread distribution on the continent, and their value in registering comparatively rapid response to tectonic and climate influences. We specially target paleaoenvironmental records retrieved from selected geological settings and covering the last interglacial-glacial cycle in order to analyse the correlation between them.

(vi) To advance on the palaeoenvironmental assessment of aeolian-paleosols sequences (loess-dunes) and pyroclastic and volcaniclastic sequences of key selected regions of SA during the last interglacial-glacial cycle.

(vii) To establish initiatives for a close interaction between the different sub-groups using up-to-date and new technologies to better resolve standing issues dealing with the chronology of well-identified environmental changes (luminescence, accelerator 14C, U series, AAR, geochemical mass spectrometry, geophysics). It can provide more inter-regional and continental chronologies of representative sequences in relation with environmental changes during the last interglacial-glacial period in the continent.

(viii) To begin with the compilation of geological data with the mid- to long-term objectives of creating a public-access database of Quaternary records of SA, including a list of Doctoral Thesis and relevant papers published in local geological journals that are difficult to access for non-local researchers.

(ix) To produce, as a collective of authors, a series of research results and papers that exceeds the capacity of us as individuals. The results will be focused on the influence of volcanism, tectonics, and climatic forcing on the landscape evolution and on the sedimentary records of representative regions of the continent during the Late Quaternary. It will constitute a synthesis of existing results in order to establish a present state of knowledge.

(x) To organize international field trips and field courses in different SA countries. The trips will constitute long transects that allow visit and discuss in situ representative outcropping sequences and landforms.

(xi) To seek and propose common sessions in forthcoming international conferences about the thematic areas involved and to propose and arrange publication of papers, mainly in a special volume of Quaternary International at the end of the initiative. It will include the rescue of existing unpublished datasets.

xii) To recognize specific areas for field discussions, where the Quaternary record requires different analysis perspectives and interaction that brings together colleagues with diverse backgrounds (i.e. understanding problems in areas with Quaternary volcanism, tectonism and related stratigraphic, geomorphic processes). It means bridging the gap between interpretations of similar features in the Quaternary resulting from way different processes (e. g. liquefaction vs sin-sedimentary structures, etc).

     3.3. International Field Meetings in 2013:

Workshops confirmed in National and in Latin American congresses:

- 1st Workshop of the SAm-GeoQuat Group, 6th Latin American Congress of Sedimentology, São Paulo (S Brazil), 14-17 July, 2013.

- 2nd Workshop of the SAm-GeoQuat Group, XIV Congresso da Associaçao Brasileira de Estudos do Quaternário (ABEQUA), Natal (NE Brazil), 4-8 August, 2013.

Field training courses and fieldtrip meetings:

The organization of field courses for PhD students and ECR researchers from different countries of SA and coordinated by experienced workers who are active participants of our Group provide an important opportunity, and even more when we consider the lack of such type of proposals in the last years in most of the countries of this continent. The field meetings will focus on multidisciplinary discussions between the sub-groups of tectonics and volcanologists and those sub-groups dedicated to the research of climatically driven processes of the Quaternary, the adaptation of common criteria for the use of all the information on the analyses of the landscape evolution and the application of new laboratory techniques. This requires the preparation of previous guidelines, field guides and the organization of internal workshops, enhancing the participation of specialists from the SA countries. As the group is travelling, a series of evening talks takes place.

- 20th International Field Course on Southern Central Andes Volcanism (S Puna-Atacama Plateau, Argentina). Instituto GEONORTE, Universidad Nacional de Salta, Asociacion Latinoamericana de Volcanologia (ALVO) and Sam-GeoQuat Group. Workshop: 11-12 November 2013; Seminar: 13 Nov. and Field excursion: 14-21 Nov.).
Coordinators: J. Viramonte and M. Arnosio (Argentina).

- Field Training Course and Workshop of the Sam-GeoQuat Group "From the Pampean Ranges to the North Pampa: Tectonic and climatic forcing on the Late Quaternary landscape evolution of Central Argentina" Central Argentina, 14-18 October 2013.
Coordinators: D. Kröhling, C. Costa, C. Carignano, E. Piovano, E. Brunetto, F. Cordoba (Argentina).

4. Initial correspondents

     4.1 Focus Area Group Leader

Dr. Daniela Kröhling
CONICET and Facultad de Ing. y Ciencias Hídricas
Universidad Nacional del Litoral
CC 217 (3000) Santa Fe,

      4.2. Responsibles for thematic area

Tectonics and Palaeosismicity:
Dr. Franck Audemard M.
Earth Sciences Dpt.
Venezuelan Foundation for Seismological Research - FUNVISIS
Caracas 1073, Estado Miranda, Apartado Postal 76.880

Dr. Carlos Costa
Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas,
Universidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis.

Volcanic processes:
Dr. José Viramonte
Universidad Nacional de Salta,
Buenos Aires 177, 4400 Salta

Glacial and Periglacial processes:
Dr. Juan Pablo Milana
InGeo - CONICET and Universidad Nacional de San Juan,
5401 San Juan,

Dr. Jorge Rabassa
Bernardo Houssay # 200
9410 Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego,

Fluvial processes:
Dr. Edgardo M. Latrubesse
The University of Texas at Austin
Department of Geography and the Environment
1 University Station A3100- GRG334
Austin TX-78712, USA

Dr. Mario L. Assine
Dpt. Geologia Aplicada,
Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP,
Avenida 24A, 1515, Rio Claro, SP, 13.506-900,

Lacustrine processes:
Dr. Daniel Ariztegui
Section of Earth & Environmental Sciences
University of Geneva
Rue des Maraichers 13, CH-1205 Geneva

Dr. Eduardo Piovano
(CIGeS), Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - CONICET,
Avenida Vélez Sarsfield 1611, X5016GCA Córdoba,

Aeolian processes:
Dr. Daniela Kröhling
CONICET and Facultad de Ing. y Ciencias Hídricas
Universidad Nacional del Litoral
CC 217 (3000) Santa Fe,

Dr. Diego Gaiero
(CIGeS), Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - CONICET,
Avenida Vélez Sarsfield 1611, X5016GCA Córdoba,

Palaeopedological processes:
Dr. Francisco S. Bernardes Ladeira
Departamento de Geografía, Instituto de Geociencias,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas,

Dr. Javier Marcelo Krause
CONICET and Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio,
Av. Fontana 140, 9100 Trelew,

Coastal and marine processes:
Dr. Federico I. Isla
CONICET, Centro de Geología de Costas,
CC 722, 7600 Mar del Plata,

Dr. Roberto A. Violante
Servicio de Hidrografía Naval,
Departamento Oceanografía, División Geología y Geofísica Marina.
Av. Montes de Oca 2124-C1271ABV Buenos Aires,

     4.3. Initial correspondents

Dr. Daniela Kröhling CONICET & Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe. ARGENTINA Pampas region and Puna plateau (Arg.), Paraná basaltic plateau, Paraná and Uruguay river basins (Arg., Brazil, Uruguay). Loess/dunes/palaeosols sequences; fluvial/deltaic processes. Stratigraphic correlations. Geomorphology. Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction.
Dr. Franck Audemard M. FUNVISIS- Venezuelan Foundation for Seismological Research, Caracas. VENEZUELA Northern Andes (Venezuela, Colombia, Peru).
Neotectonics. Palaeoseismicity. Stratigraphy. Coastal hazards.
Dr. José Viramonte GEONORTE and CONICET,
Universidad Nacional de Salta,
Salta. ARGENTINA Central Andes and Puna plateau (Arg., Chile), Antarctic peninsula (Arg).
Volcanic processes and deposits. Tephrocronology. Tectonics.
Dr. Juan Pablo Milana InGeo - CONICET & Universidad Nacional de San Juan, San Juan. ARGENTINA
Central arid Andes and Puna plateau (Arg., Chile).
Alluvial, mass wasting, aeolian and glacial/periglacial processes. Stratigraphy. Tectonics. Experimental sedimentology. Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.
Dr. Jorge Rabassa CADIC-CONICET
Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego. ARGENTINA Central and Southern Andes, Patagonia (Arg. Chile), Pampa region (Arg.), Antarctic peninsula (Arg.).
Glaciology, Stratigraphy, Geomorphology, Palaeoclimatological reconstructions.
Dr. Edgardo Latrubesse The University of Texas at Austin
Department of Geography and the Environment, Austin. USA Large rivers (Amazon, Paraná; Brazil, Peru, Arg.). Pampa region (Arg.).
Fluvial Geomorphology, Neotectonics, Stratigraphy, Paleoclimatology.
Dr. Maximiliano BezadaDepartment of Earth Sciences, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Caracas, VENEZUELA Northern Andes, Caribbean Coast and Orinoco Llanos (Venezuela).
Fluvial, glacial and palaeopedological processes. Geomorphology, Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Tectonics. Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.
Dr. Mario L. Assine Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP, Rio Claro, SP. BRAZIL Pantanal Wetland; Paraguay & Paraná river basins (Br.)
Fluvial and Coastal Geomorphology, Neotectonics, Stratigraphy. Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.
Dr. Daniel Ariztegui Section of Earth & Environmental Sciences University of Geneva
Geneva. SWITZERLAND Proglacial lakes of Southern Andes. Patagonian lakes (Arg., Chile); Mar Chiquita lake, Pampa plain (Arg.)
Palaeolimnology, Palaeoclimatological reconstructions.
Dr. Eduardo Piovano CIGeS,
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba & CONICET, Córdoba. ARGENTINA Pampean and Patagonian lakes (Arg.)
Palaeolimnology, Palaeohydrological changes, Sedimentology, Palaeoclimatological reconstructions.
Dr. Francisco H. BezerraUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, BRAZIL Equatorial passive margin of northeastern Brazil Neotectonics, Seismicity and Paleoseismicity, Stratigraphy. Sea-level changes. Palaeoenvironmental analysis.
Dr. Diego Gaiero CIGeS,
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba & CONICET, Córdoba. ARGENTINA Pampa plain and Patagonian desert (Arg.). Southern Atlantic ocean.
Geochemistry. Airborne transport of aerosols. Dust provenance. Climatic variability.
Dr. Francisco S. Bernardes Ladeira Instituto de Geociencias,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas. SP BRAZIL Paraná basaltic plateau (Southern Brazil).
Tropical weathering and Palaeopedology, Geomorphology, Palaeoclimatological reconstructions
Dr. Javier M. Krause CONICET & Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio, Trelew. ARGENTINA Patagonia (Argentina)
Palaeopedological processes. Sedimentology. Stratigraphy.
Dr. Reynaldo CharrierDept. de Geología, Universidad de Chile, Santiago CHILE Central Andes of Chile and Bolivia. Altiplano-Puna Plateau. Andean Stratigraphy and Tectonics; Volcanic Processes; Palaeogeographic and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.
Dr. Federico I. Isla CONICET & Centro de Geología de Costas y del Cuaternario, Univ. Nac. de Mar del Plata, M. Plata. ARGENTINA Southern Atlantic coast (Arg.), Pampean region (Arg.)
Coastal, deltaic and marine processes. Sea level changes. Stratigraphy. Paleoenvironmental reconstructions.
Dr. Roberto A. Violante Servicio de Hidrografía Naval,
Departamento Oceanografía, Div. Geología y Geofísica Marina, Buenos Aires. ARGENTINA. Rio de la Plata estuary, coastal environments, continental shelf and continental slope (Arg.)
Sea level changes, Morpho-sedimentary processes, sediment dynamics and seismic-stratigraphy in the marine environment. Palaeoceanography.
Dr. José C. Stevaux Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Instituto de Geociencias - Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá, PR. BRAZIL Paraná river basin (Brazil, Arg.), Tropical fluvial environments of Brazil. Fluvial Geomorphology. Sedimentology. Neotectonics, Palaeolimnology. Palaeoenvironmental interpretations.
Dr. Carlos Costa Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis.
ARGENTINA. Central Andes and Pampean Ranges (Argentina)
Neotectonics. Palaeoseismicity. Geomorphology.
Dr. Andrea Coronato CONICET-CADIC,
Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego. ARGENTINA

Southern Andes and Patagonia (Argentina)
Glacial and aeolian processes. Stratigraphy. Geomorphology. Paleoenvironmental reconstructions.
Dr. Heinz Veit Geographisches Institut,
Paläogeökologie und Landschaftsentwicklung, Bern, SWITZERLAND Central Andes (Chile, Bolivia), Andean Piedmont (Bolivia).
Geomorphology, Stratigraphy, Palaeopedological processes, Palaeohydrological changes, Sedimentology. Palaeoclimatological reconstructions.
Dr. José I. Martínez Rodriguez Universidad EAFIT Dept. Geología, Medellín, COLOMBIA Tropical South America, Pacific Coast (Colombia).
Paleoceanography. Climatic variability. Paleoclimatological reconstructions.
Dr. Eduardo A. Gómez CONICET- Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía, Bahía Blanca. ARGENTINA Bahia Blanca estuary; Southern Atlantic coast and deltaic environments (Argentina).
Geomorphology, Palaeoclimatology and Eustacy, Subaqueous Sediment Stability.
Dr. Julio Cesar Paisani Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Núcleo de Estudos (Paleo)Ambientais, F. Beltrão, PR. BRAZIL Paraná basaltic plateau (southern Brazil) Geomorphology, Sedimentology of Colluvium, Micromorphology of Colluvium and Palaeosoil, Stratigraphy of Valley head and small watersheds, Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions
Dr. Claudio Carignano Universidad Nacional de Córdoba & CONICET, Córdoba. ARGENTINA Pampa region, Pampean ranges (Argentina)
Aeolian processes, Stratigraphy, Geomorphology, Tectonics, Paleoenvironmental reconstructions.
Dr. Ernesto Brunetto CICyTTP-CONICET, Diamante, Entre Ríos.
ARGENTINA Pampa plain (Arg.), Paraná basaltic plateau (Arg., Brazil)
Neotectonics and palaeoseismicity, Aeolian and alluvial processes. Geomorphology. Stratigraphy.
Dr. María Pía RodriguezDept. de Geología, Universidad de Chile, Santiago CHILE Central Andes, Chile. Neotectonic uplift recorded by coastal and continental records
Dr. Marcelo Toledo Laboratorio de Tectónica Andina Universidad de Buenos Aires & YPF Exploración, Buenos Aires. ARGENTINA
Pampa plain (Argentina)
Alluvial and aeolian processes. Sequence stratigraphy, Geomorphology. Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.
Dr. Daniel Panario UNCIEP, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República Montevideo, URUGUAY Uruguayan coast, central environments of Uruguay.
Coastal dynamics. Aeolian processes. Geomorphology. Stratigraphy.
Dr. Gustavo Villarosa GEA,INIBIOMA, CONICET-Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Bariloche.
Patagonian cordillera (Arg., Chile). Extra-Andean Patagonia (Argentina)
Volcanology. Volcano Hazards. Palaeolimnology. Tephrocronology. Neotectonics.
Dr. Luis E. Lara Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, Santiago. CHILE Southern Andes (Chile)
Volcanology. Volcano Hazards. Neotectonics.
Dr. Marcela Cioccale Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and CIGeS, Córdoba. ARGENTINA Pampa region, Pampean ranges (Argentina)
Geomorphology, Stratigraphy, Hydrological variability, Paleoclimatic reconstructions.
Dr. Maria Isabel Velez Dept. of Geology, University of Regina, Regina, Sasktachewan .CANADA Central Colombia, Mauritius Island, Guatemala. High resolution climate records recorded by diatoms and sediments Paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental reconstructions from the tropics.
Dr. Marcelo Arnosio GEONORTE, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Salta, Salta.
Central Andes and Puna plateau (Arg., Chile).
Volcanic processes and deposits. Volcanic petrology and geochemistry. Tectonics.
Dr. Romina Daga CONICET- Centro Atómico Bariloche, CNEA, Bariloche. ARGENTINA

Southern Andes (Arg., Chile), Patagonia (Arg.)
Volcanic processes and deposits. Tephrocronology. Palaeolimnology.
Dr. Laura Perucca CONICET & Universidad Nacional de San Juan, San Juan. ARGENTINA Central Andes and Patagonia (Arg.) Neotectonics, Seismicity and Paleoseismicity. Geomorphology
Dr. Maximiliano BayerLab. Geomorfologia y Geografía Física Universidade Federal de Goiás, Araguaia BRAZIL Tropical wetlands of Brazil, Araguaia river Basin (Br.) Fluvial Geomophology, Sedimentology, Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.